External Apps

To submit an External app:

  1. Log in to your Freshteam account and from the left navigation pane, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Integrate with other Apps > Apps. The Apps gallery is displayed.

  2. Click Go to Developer Portal. The My Apps page is displayed.

  3. Click Let’s Build. The Create a new app page is displayed.

  4. In the What’s your app’s name? field, enter a meaningful name comprising two or three words.

  5. From What type of app is this?, select External App.

  6. In the External App section, in the Enter the URL to your app page field, enter the URL to access the app.

  7. Click Proceed. A page for entering the app details is displayed. In the details panel on the left, the following values are auto-populated:

    1. The app’s name with the app status as Draft.
    2. Built for
    3. App type
    4. Last updated

    Note: In the main section of the page, the Supported Product field is auto-populated as Freshteam.

  8. Under the App information tab, click Upload App icon, and upload an icon to represent the app. Ensure that the logo meets the following requirements.

    1. Image format is PNG.
    2. Logo background is transparent.
    3. Aspect ratio is 1:1.
    4. Minimum resolution is 400 x 400 pixels.
  9. Provide appropriate information by using the following fields.

    App Name
    Enter a name for the app, comprising two to three words.
    App Overview
    Enter an introduction to the app, not exceeding 100 characters.
    Short Description
    Enter a brief description of the app’s functionality and features.
    App Description
    Enter a description stating the value that the app imparts to Freshteam. Mention any specific use case necessary to support the value proposition.
    Instructions When the app is installed, if specific user actions are required, enter the instructions as a sequential list.
    Video Link
    Enter the URL to the YouTube or Vimeo video that explains the app’s use case. The URL should be in the following format:
    • YouTube link - https://youtu.be/VIDEO_ID
    • Vimeo link - https://player.vimeo.com/video/VIDEO_ID
    For more information on the guidelines, see Video guidelines.
    App Screenshots
    Upload screenshots to illustrate how the app works. Capture different states and process flows to give users a better insight into the app. You can upload a maximum of five screenshots. Ensure that the screenshots meet the following requirements.
    • Image format is PNG or JPG.
    • Minimum resolution is 1600 x 1000 pixels.
    App Category
    Select the appropriate category to help users filter and find the app in the Marketplace gallery. You can select a maximum of two categories.
    App Specification/Demo video
    Enter the URL to the app’s specification document or demo video.
    Support Email
    Enter the email address that users can use to contact you in case of any queries regarding the app.
    Support URL
    Enter the URL to any location where users can find more information about the app.
    Alternate Email
    Enter the email address that Freshworks can use to contact you, when the app is under review.

  10. To specify the app information in a language other than English (default language), navigate to the Multi-language setup tab and click Add multiple languages. A list of languages is displayed. Select the languages in which you want to specify app information and click Add. Sections corresponding to the languages are added. Navigate to each language section and in the fields displayed, enter the appropriate values.

  11. To save the app details, click Save.

  12. Click Save and Publish, to submit the app for the approval process.

After the app is reviewed and approved, it is published in Freshworks Marketplace.