Custom Apps

To submit a Custom app:

  1. Log in to your Freshteam account and from the left navigation pane, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Integrate with other Apps > Apps. The Apps gallery is displayed.

  2. Click Go to Developer Portal. The My Apps page is displayed.

  3. Click Let’s Build. The Create a new app page is displayed.

  4. In the What’s your app’s name? field, enter a meaningful name comprising two or three words.

  5. From What type of app is this?, click Custom App.

  6. In the Custom App section, click Upload app file, select the packed app file, and click Open. The packed app file is uploaded.

  7. Click Proceed. A page for entering the app details is displayed. In the details panel on the left, the following values are auto-populated:

    1. The app’s name with the app status as Draft.
    2. Built for
    3. App type
    4. Last updated
    5. Code File: To replace the app file, click Replace and upload a new app file.
  8. Under the App information tab, click Upload App icon, and upload an icon to represent the app. Ensure that the logo meets the following requirements.

    1. Image format is PNG.
    2. Logo background is transparent.
    3. Aspect ratio is 1:1.
    4. Minimum resolution is 400 x 400 pixels.
  9. Provide appropriate information by using the following fields.

    App Name
    Enter a name for the app, comprising two to three words.
    App Overview
    Enter an introduction to the app, not exceeding 100 characters.
    Short Description
    Enter a brief description of the app’s functionality and features.
    App Description
    Enter a description stating the value that the app imparts to Freshteam. Mention any specific use case necessary to support the value proposition.
    Instructions When the app is installed, if specific user actions are required, enter the instructions as a sequential list.
    App Screenshots
    Upload screenshots to illustrate how the app works. Capture different states and process flows to give users a better insight into the app. You can upload a maximum of five screenshots. Ensure that the screenshots meet the following requirements.
    • Image format is PNG or JPG.
    • Minimum resolution is 1600 x 1000 pixels.
    App Specification/Demo video
    Enter the URL to the app’s specification document or demo video.
    Support Email
    Enter the email address that users can use to contact you in case of any queries regarding the app.
    Support URL
    Enter the URL to any location where users can find more information about the app.
    Alternate Email
    Enter the email address that Freshworks can use to contact you, when the app is under review.

  10. Click Save and Publish, to submit the app. The status of the app changes to Publishing In Progress. Custom apps are not subject to the review process and are available for installation within 30 minutes of app submission. If you update the app and republish it, the changes are deployed within 30 minutes. After the app is successfully added or updated, the status of the app changes to Internally Live.

To verify the status of a Custom app:

Log in to your Freshteam account and from the left navigation pane, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Integrate with other Apps > Apps. The Apps gallery is displayed. Navigate to MANAGE APPS > Custom Apps. A list of all custom apps that are successfully published is displayed.


  1. Log in to your Freshteam account and from the left navigation pane, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Integrate with other Apps > Apps. The Apps gallery is displayed.

  2. Click Go to Developer Portal. The My Apps page is displayed. All apps published from your Freshteam account are displayed as cards. For a custom app that is successfully published, the Status is Internally Live.

To install a Custom app:

  1. Log in to your Freshteam account and from the left navigation pane, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Integrate with other Apps > Apps. The Apps gallery is displayed.

  2. Navigate to MANAGE APPS > Custom Apps. A list of all custom apps that are successfully published is displayed.

  3. Click the Install next to the app that is to be installed.

    1. If the app requires third-party authentication, a corresponding window requesting for login credentials is displayed. Enter appropriate credentials and log in. The Authorize app window is displayed. Click Authorize.

    2. If the app requires input in the form of installation parameters, the Settings page is displayed with the list of installation parameters. Enter appropriate input values and click Install.